Thursday, June 7, 2012

Memories in the Making 1st Annual Art Auction ~ Milwaukee

This past Tuesday evening I was downtown at Cuvee Champagne Bar in the Third Ward supporting a wonderful cause the best way I knew how, taking pictures.  When my friend Kathi asked me to be a part of this event I immediately felt compelled.  I've shot charity events before but this one is very near and dear to my heart because it's an event that supports the Alzheimer's Association, called Memories in the Making.  After watching Alzheimer's slowly take the life of my spunky, fun-loving Nana whom I loved very dearly, I want to find a cure so others don't have to suffer from watching their loved ones slowly fade away and having others like my Nana robbed of remembering this short precious life we have been given.  Here's what Memories in the Making is their own words
 "The Memories in the Making (MIM) program gives those living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias the opportunity to express themselves reactively through painting and reminiscing.  Since the inception of MIM in 2010, the Southeastern Wisconsin chapter of the Alzheimer's oversees 18 weekly MIM programs around metropolitan Milwaukee.  In excess of 100 people were served and over 700 pieces of artwork were created in 2011.  
They had I believe 30 of those original pieces of art at this auction and along with them, they invited many WI artists to create am interpretation of the art and they were being auctioned together.  It was very moving to say the least!
For more information or to give your support to the Alzheimer's Association you can visit: for more information. 

You can find all the photos from this event in apx 3-4 weeks at

 Nancy Armitage (the Coordinator of the Southeastern chapter of MIM) and her son

 One of the many Alzheimer's artist with their art in the background (my favorite piece)

 An example of the Alzheimer's artist and the Professional Artist interpretation

 There was an artist there that did a piece throughout  the evening and was later auctioned off and sold.

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