Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January Photo Journal 2017

Happy 2017 everyone!  With this new year I decided it's the perfect time to start something I haven't ever done before.  I guess you could call it a resolution even though I hate resolutions.  I want to do a better job with my family to "photo journal" our life, being day to day events or big life events.  So, here is my first entry for the month of January:

My 6 year old Bennett just lost his first tooth last week.  He didn't just lose it, he pulled it out himself!  He was extremely proud of this momentous event in his life and also, for the fact that HE pulled it out, as well he should be!  It's too tiny to see, but, he is, with his brand new grin, holding his baby tooth in his fingers.

I don't know why, but sometimes I just love watching my kids eat.  My youngest Grant is now the only one home with me during the day while his brother is at school.  The kid is the slowest eater, ever! I had finished my lunch and was doing something in the next room and when I looked over at that sweet soul sitting there on his knees, by himself, eating his lunch (yes it's lunch and he's still in his pjs, don't judge) my heart melted and I knew this was a moment I wanted to remember.  This is what got me started on this journey of capturing the day to day and making special memories with it.

My poor cat Miles gets a bit neglected sometimes and I can't even tell you the last time I took his picture.  The other night we had a fire in the fireplace and every time we do Miles is right there laying in front of it, basking in the heat.  He cooperated long enough for me to snap a few pics of him doing what he does best.  Chillin.  He is after all named after Miles Davis because he's just a cool cat...