I have a bit of story to tell with this one...I know that Jen and Kenny have had bad luck with Photographers in the past, so I knew how important these photos were going to be for them. We met at the Fish Hatchery in Delafield (a good 35 min. from my house). What happens before our shoot even starts...I lock my keys along with my camera bag, lenses, flashes and reflector in my car. All I had was the camera around my neck and my 85mm and the light nature gave me. Luckily they are friends so I didn't feel like such a complete idiot. Believe me there was still a lot of "what the heck were you thinking you stupid girl?" going on in my head but they were great. Kenny called AAA, an hour later they show up, and in between, I was able to score some great photos. Here are some samples below.
Oh wow.. great pictures. Caden is such a big boy... Love the one in the water...